9 Best WWE Attitude Era Gimmick Changes

7. Lita

Kama The Godfather 2

Amy Dumas made her way to WWE via Mexico, where she travelled in 1998 after watching Rey Mysterio wrestle on WCW Nitro, and then ECW, where she worked as 'Miss Congeniality'. Dumas' first role in WWE was as one of The Godfather's hos but after that she was given a more prominent role as high-flying Mexican sensation Essa Rios' valet.

Rios was an undercard guy, wrestling primarily on weekend shows Jakked and Heat, but Dumas, performing as Lita, caught the eye. Not content to just stand at ringside and cheer Essa on, Lita would mimic Rios' moonsault on his downed opponent in the post-match.

The high point of her partnership with the former Papi Chulo was a short programme with Chyna and Eddie Guerrero, but it was clear that the flame-haired diva was outgrowing the man she escorted down to the ring. Soon after scrapping with Latino Heat and his Mamacita, Lita split from the one-time WWE Lightheavyweight Champion.

Aligning herself with real-life friends The Hardy Boys, Lita ditched the silver and metallic red spandex and began dressing in a more casual manner, rocking the Hardys' baggy pants (with whale tail always on display) and crop tops. She also began adding more moves to her arsenal, surprising opponents with a hurricanrana or a plancha.

Lita grew in the role and was one of the most popular performers of the year. Considering she started out the year as the second to a go-nowhere cruiserweight (regardless of how talented Rios was), the gimmick change has to be considered a massive improvement.

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Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...