9 Celebrities Who Are Defending Hulk Hogan

6. Mick Foley

Dennis Rodman Hulk Hogan WCW
Jeff Christensen/AP

Mick Foley took to social media near the beginning of this controversy. On Friday July 24th, he wrote these comments on Twitter:

"My heart truly hurts for @HulkHogan. I firmly believe he's a very good person who made a very bad mistake. Pulling for you, brother!"

He also added in a followup tweet that Hogan had made mistakes and that he trusted that the Hulkster would repent for hurting so many. Hogan tweeted back his appreciation:

"Thank you my brother Mick only love. H"

Foley surely must have felt the backlash as he tweeted messages about the importance of compassion and reminders of that verse in the Bible that warns about judging (Luke 6:37). He must have realized that he was taking the situation a little too personal and stepped it all back a little with these comments:

"OK, so maybe that last tweet was a little dramatic - but "forgive and you shall be forgiven" are words that have guided me since I was 19."

I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.