9 Dream WWE Matches Fans Want To See (That Could Still Happen)

6. Brock Lesnar Vs. Cesaro

John Cena Undertaker

Second time on the list for Brock Lesnar, and it won't be the last.

Cesaro is arguably the strongest pound-for-pound superstar on the WWE roster and there's no denying the strength and athleticism of Brock Lesnar. Just like a Lesnar/Orton match would be leading to an F-5/RKO reversal, fans in this match would be waiting on the edge of their seats for Cesaro to swing Brock around the ring.

Brock only has two real moves in his WWE arsenal right now - the F-5 and the German Suplex. Cesaro, though, is the type of superstar with a laundry list of moves and counter-moves that could make things truly exciting and carry Brock to a five-star match.

The Swiss Superman would be able to transition and counter Brock's moves while still being able to take all of the bumps necessary in a long match with The Beast. Even though Brock would inevitably win the match (considering Brock's booking), this contest wouldn't be about the end destination, it would be about the journey - the long and beautiful, German suplex-filled journey.


Jack of all trades, master of none. Husband, attorney, writer, and father-to-be.