9 Dream WWE Matches Fans Want To See (That Could Still Happen)

4. Cesaro Vs. AJ Styles

John Cena Undertaker

Another dream match based off the superstars in question's ability to put on a classic.

Cesaro and Styles can be rolled out individually with almost any WWE superstar and could put on a high-caliber match. Put the two in a ring together in a singles match? Magic.

Neither is particularly strong on the mic, so there is little chance we could see a storyline between these two build up to a match main eventing a WWE pay-per-view, and there's also a chance that those same issue keeps Vince from ever letting these two go at it in a WWE ring. And that would be an absolute shame.

Based on pure, technical wrestling alone, there might not be a better pairing than Styles and Cesaro right now. These two men would be able to create art in a WWE ring. Let's just hope that the people in charge lets the foreigner and the man with the Southern drawl a chance to put on an something a great many fans wish to see.


Jack of all trades, master of none. Husband, attorney, writer, and father-to-be.