9 Dream WWE Matches Fans Want To See (That Could Still Happen)

2. Kevin Owens Vs. Brock Lesnar

John Cena Undertaker

The promotional packages write themselves: The Prize Fighter Vs he former UFC Heavyweight Champion.

Owens might not be quite the agile and high-flying opponent like Eddie Guerrero or other great opponents of Lesnar is the past, but Owens is deceptively quick and surprisingly athletic for a man of his build. Lesnar and Owens could put on an Iron Man Match that would be one for the ages.

Lesnar would be his usual shade of purple halfway into the match, and Owens will most likely be pouring out sweat like Vince McMahon in court, yes, but the match would be incredibly entertaining from bell to bell regardless.

Owens is one of the few current WWE superstars who could be booked in a way to make him a legit challenger to Brock Lesnar. Along the way, we would be blessed with battling promos between Kevin Owens and Paul Heyman - could we really ask for any more?


Jack of all trades, master of none. Husband, attorney, writer, and father-to-be.