9 Freakiest Ways Wrestling Fans Show Their Love

5. Autograph Hunting With No Etiquette

You don€™t have to be the famously grouchy CM Punk to understand how people constantly asking for autographs can be a problem. If you€™re even slightly well known, it must prove a slight hardship when trying to get about in public and do normal things. Wrestling fans, though, take it to a different level. No doubt because they€™re encouraged to cheer for you or boo you on a weekly basis, live and on television, and scream all kinds of things that they wouldn€™t dream of saying to a normal person: wrestling fans can take it all far, far too far. If you're a wrestler and you're on TV, you know what I'm talking about: it's the guys that interrupt meals and family occasions and who become aggressive and violent when you ask for privacy; the people that physically grab you when you€™re walking down the street, standing on a subway platform or waiting in line somewhere, ripping your headphones off or slapping the newpaper out of your hand. Punk has had his address splashed all over the internet, leading to fans camping out behind his house to buttonhole him when he takes out the trash. Don€™t think that€™s particularly worrying? Ask John Lennon€™s kids how they feel about that. And then there€™s the people that take the opportunity to molest wrestlers when they€™re in a public toilet like a rest room at a bar or airport. Sometimes that€™s while they€™re washing their hands, thankfully €“ but it€™s still a little beyond what€™s normal. But photographs of you peeing at a toilet stall? Asking people questions while they€™re in a stall? Several wrestlers have bonded with each other, resignation in their voices, over having autograph books slid underneath the stall door. There€™s such a thing as personal space, people. Also, urrrgh. Finally, there€™s the guy who used a red light and a fake police siren to pull over Batista on the interstate and impersonate an undercover police officer in order to initiate a conversation with him. The Animal twigged that the eighteen-year-old wasn€™t a real cop and left the scene, calling 911. The kid was arrested, and his father complained that all he€™d wanted was an autograph and a picture. Sure€ and committing a misdemeanour with a prison sentence attached to it is absolutely the way to go about doing that.
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Hulk Hogan
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.