9 Insane Real-Life Scott Steiner Stories

9. Driving The Wrong Way Down A One-Way Road Just Because

Scott Steiner and a motor vehicle. Sounds like a recipe for disaster, right? Many wrestlers have noted during shoot interviews that Steiner is a terrible, reckless driver who just didn't give a single f***. As far a she's concerned, the road is his and anyone else that's using it is just in his way. Petey Williams recounted a (hilarious) story on Colt Cabana's Art of Wrestling podcast of the time he and Scott went to the gym together. Williams was doing his 'Big Petey Pump' gimmick, complete with bleached blonde hair and goatee, so he and Scott were travelling together. Despite the gym being walking distance from where they were, Steiner felt like driving, and told Petey to hop in. They approached a traffic light and Petey pointed out that the street to the gym was one-way and so the genetic freak would have to turn around. Steiner don't play that game, though. His response was 'I'm gonna drive down this one-way street', which he did, terrifying poor Petey in the process and almost causing them some serious damage. Apparently this is just par the course when it comes to Scott Steiner behind the wheel and only scratches the surface of his erratic behaviour...

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...