9 Most Obscure WWE WrestleMania Records You Need To Know
7. Biggest Gap Between WrestleMania Matches

Being the biggest showcase WWE has for its product each year, WrestleMania has become the site of many comeback or “one night only” matches, with wrestlers returning to action after years away from the ring – or at least away from WWE.
The result is wrestlers who have gone more than a decade without competing at WrestleMania, only to make their triumphant return. “Stone Cold” Steve Austin achieved this at WrestleMania 38, battling Kevin Owens in his first match since WrestleMania 19, a 19-year gap between Mania matches.
But Austin is not the record holder. The record for largest gap between WrestleMania matches belongs to Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat, who wrestled at each of the first four Manias, then did not appear in the ring again until he joined “Rowdy” Roddy Piper and Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka to take on Chris Jericho at WrestleMania 25, a 21-year gap between Mania matches.
To break this record this year, you would need someone who hasn’t wrestled at Mania since at least WrestleMania 19 (such as Hulk Hogan, Diamond Dallas Page, Jazz, Raven or Albert) to compete in Las Vegas. That’s not to say this record won’t ever be broken, but it would involve digging deep into the vault.