9 Next Steps For Triple H
6. A Break-up With Seth Rollins

Regardless of whether or not Triple H ends up feuding with
his own wife Stephanie or with the Raw GM Mick Foley, one man that the Game
seems directly at-odds with is his former protégé Seth Rollins.
Tension between these two had been teased for a while, with everything finally coming to a head in that Fatal 4-Way Elimination match for the WWE Universal Championship.
Then, even though we didn’t hear from Triple H on Raw this week, further seeds were still sown for this budding Triple H vs. Rollins rivalry. During the latter’s match with Chris Jericho, he somewhat surprisingly retained the Game’s Pedigree as his finishing manoeuvre. Not only that, but he seemed to use it to make something of a statement, staring at the hard-cam with a wild look in his eyes, as if directly sending a message to Triple H.
Maybe I’m reading too much into it, but either way it seems all but certain that Triple H and Rollins have severed what remained of their loose ties. Rather than being the end of that story though, this is likely just the beginning…