9 Questions With Colt Cabana

1. The Betrayal

Colt Cabana

You’re set to face Dalton Castle at Ring Of Honor’s Final Battle pay-per-view on December 2 in New York City. ROH is billing this as a grudge match. The catalyst for the hostilities was your heel turn on Castle at the October 29 television taping in Baltimore.

“Well, I don’t know if I turned heel, necessarily, but I definitely turned on Dalton Castle. I think the television told the story.

“When I came to the company the third time [in April 2016], I was blown away by the reaction to Dalton Castle. He always had the most shirts sold, he always had the biggest line: you could tell that people loved the guy. And it reminded me of myself 10 years ago in the promotion.

“I thought it would make a nice story. This is a side of me that people haven’t seen in years, if at all. And I think it’s going to be something fun for me to explore — and I think it’s going to be something nice and different for the fans. That’s what makes it exciting. I think it’s cool that the first time they will see this side of me and this match will be at Final Battle.

“Final Battle is ROH’s biggest show of the year. Hopefully, it will be something that will drive people to watch the pay-per-view because it’s something completely different.”

Wrestling Road Diaries Three: Funny Equals Money is available on DVD and digital download from: www.coltcabana.com

Follow Colt on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/ColtCabana

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Colt Cabana
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The former editor of Power Slam: The Wrestling Magazine, Fin Martin has been writing about pro wrestling for nearly 25 years. His latest eBook, The Power Slam Interviews Volume 1, is available worldwide from Amazon, iBooks and Kobo. In his spare time, he enjoys walking in the Lake District.