9 Reasons Triple H Needs To Stop Being An On Air Personality

1. His Work Outside Of The Ring Undoes All His Work On Television

This is more of a problem for The Authority as a whole rather than just Triple H on his lonesome. Seeing the great work they do outside of a WWE, followed by their dastardly tricks inside it really does ruin a WWE television show, doesn't it? Remember how painful it was sitting through that segment that saw Ryback, Erick Rowan and Dolph Ziggler 'fired' back in 2014? Back in the day when Vince was the boss on television, you rarely saw him doing anything charitable outside of a WWE ring. He was the evil boss, and that was that. I'm well aware that the world is a lot more social media-centric compared to then, and there is more pressure to do good deeds by society as a whole, so surely that means the concept of The Authority played by the real life hierarchy of the company is flawed. But surely this is the strongest case to see the end of Hunter, and the team as a whole, removed from WWE TV. Nevertheless, the Triple H boss character needs to leave our screens. Discuss!
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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.