9 Steps To Getting Over In WWE (100% Guaranteed)

5. Use A Jumping Neckbreaker Finisher

New day

The overness of his moveset is a critical component of a wrestler’s appeal, especially his finisher. And no finisher has greater built-in overtude than the jumping neckbreak/cutter/whatever you call it.

The simple act of leaping into the air, grabbing your opponent by the neck, and dropping him onto the mat inflames some crucial pleasure ganglion in the brain of the wrestling audience.

That Randy Orton’s RKO was briefly a pop culture phenomenon illustrates how powerful the jumping neck breaker is. It’s dynamic, painful-looking, and it really can be hit Outta Nowhere (TM). It needs minimal set up, can be done off or onto just about anything (chairs, steps, tables, Seth Rollins) and even has history to back it up.

Before Randall Kieth there was Diamond Dallas Page, whose Diamond Cutter got such increasingly joyous reactions that, if left unchecked, it could have ushered in world peace.


Ben Counter is a fantasy and science fiction writer, gaming enthusiast, wrestling fan and miniature painting guru. He was raised on Warhammer, Star Wars and 1980s cartoons that, in retrospect, were't that good. Whoever you are, he is nerdier than you.