9 Ups & 3 Downs From AEW Dynamite (Apr 15)
9. Suge D Vs. Sammy G

Whether you call him Suge D, Sugar Dunkerton, or Pineapple Pete, Sammy Guevara's Dynamite opponent has proven himself a fun, engaging performer in his brief AEW outings thus far. The company could do a lot worse than handing him a contract once this thing blows over. At worst, he's an effective enhancement talent.
Last night saw Suge and 'The Spanish God' battle it out for just under six minutes. Perhaps it was a shade too long but it feels like Suge is getting over, at least with online fans (it's obviously impossible to tell how he resonates with live audiences). Regardless, he entered another sick performance before doing the job, as Guevara put him away with the GTS variation he has been using lately.
A quick post-match promo saw Sammy rip into his TNT Title Tournament opponent Darby Allin, who saved the day when Guevara lept on Suge for more punishment. That match ruled at Revolution and it'll rule again on television.