9 Ups And 0 Downs From Last Night's NXT (27 May)

9. Crowd Control

Eric Bugenhagen Rik Bugez

I'd love to give you a full breakdown of WWE's decision to empty the locker room into the stands to try and recreate the feel of having a crowd again. I'd love to tell you the precise level and results of their testing prior to filming, so that we could have a thorough discussion about whether or not this is a good idea.

But I can't, because WWE have been (you suspect very deliberately) vague about the specifics with this. There's reports that they're taking everyone's temperature and a doctor is "looking them over", but no definitive word on the level of actual testing that's going on inside the Performance Centre. This is, of course, incredibly stupid, but that's another conversation for another article.

In the here and now though they've stuffed the PC with developmental talent to try and add some atmosphere again. Is it as good as a live crowd? Nope, not even close. Is it better than deafening silence where you can hear every single call and creaking floorboard? Yes. Yes. 1000x yes.

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