9 Ways WWE Failed Miserably On The Road To WrestleMania 32

3. Eva Marie

If Dave Meltzer is to be believed, then when Eva Marie made her return to WWE on this past Monday Night Raw, WWE actually expected her to receive a hero's welcome. How anyone in the company could be that tone deaf i baffling, as she may be the anti-Ricky Steamboat in the sense that it may be impossible for her to ever work as a babyface. She may be a great person in real life, but as a wrestling character she's deliciously hateable. The 10-diva tag match is more than likely going to be an absolute disaster and features several women who are distressingly less developed than their colleagues, and it's yet another example of the women being booked inconsistently and without any concern for how real women behave. We're just supposed to ignore the rivalries many of these now-teammates had just weeks ago that concluded with no resolution because they wanted to promote Total DIvas? I mean, you could have debuted Bayley and blown the roof of the place, creating some actual interest in the match while still keeping her in NXT. But I guess that would have made too much sense.

Brad Hamilton is a writer, musician and marketer/social media manager from Atlanta, Georgia. He's an undefeated freestyle rap battle champion, spends too little time being productive and defines himself as the literary version of Brock Lesnar.