9 Wrestlers Who Went To Insane Lengths Researching Their Gimmicks

1. Goldust

BT Michael Cole

Goldust's is less an example of someone going to extreme lengths in preparation for a role than it is of someone prepared to go to extreme lengths. These lengths, however, are so extreme that it warrants including on our list.

The long and short of it is that, during his days as an androgynous, line-blurring... gold person(?), the so-called Bizarre One allegedly approached Vince McMahon with the idea of getting breast implants in order to lend his character some extra authenticity.

Shockingly, the chairman of the board was said to have rebuffed his request, which is really odd. It seems like the sort of thing that Vince - who seems to absolutely love creating a bit of mainstream media buzz - would go for, if not personally insist on.

But perhaps he was thinking of Dustin Rhodes' long-term future in the ring. There isn't really any going back from growing a pair of boobs, and it would therefore have totally killed any possibility of another gimmick change later on down the line.

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Michael Cole
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