AEW: 10 Things You Didn’t Know About MJF

4. He Sang “You Are My Sunshine” On Rosie O’Donnell


An adorable little five year old Maxwell once appeared live on The Rosie O’Donnell show. The little charmer sang You Are My Sunshine and said he wanted to grow up to be an opera singer.

The Dinner Debonair is a long way from opera. Still, you imagine little MJF would be proud to see his song and dance act with Chris Jericho listed amongst 2020’s greatest performances by The New York Times. Oh and he also told O’Donnell he wanted to be a wrestler, so that’s another box ticked.

Dedicated AEW fans may know that, while previously denying the kid was him, MJF came clean on an episode of A Shot Of Brandi. True to form, “The Salt Of The Earth” has even accused O’Donnell of exploiting him, because he didn’t get paid for his appearance. “She stole money from a five year old, who does that?”

What you might not know is AEW have even tried to bring Rosie in to interview Max again. Unfortunately she has declined but who can blame her? Between Maxwell calling her a “dumb fat b*tch” and WWE hiring an O’Donnell impersonator, purely to hold her up to ridicule, she’s probably soured on the whole wrestling business at this point.

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Chris Chopping is a writer, YouTuber and stand up comedian. Check out his channel at His dream job would be wrestling Manager and he’s long since stopped reading the comments section.... Follow him @MrChrisChopping on Twitter.