AEW Fans Find Aubrey Edwards' Lipstick 'Too Distracting'

Social media silliness is the gift that keeps on giving...

Aubrey Edwards

AEW official Aubrey Edwards once got told by some of the promotion's fans that her lipstick was 'too distracting' and took attention away from the wrestlers.

Edwards said on the AEW Unrestricted podcast that she fired back and asked these fans if they were even watching the match at all; if they were distracted by lipstick, then perhaps not. She couldn't understand why people watching would choose to stare at her instead of the actual wrestlers moving around the ring working.

She's also not going to apologise for wearing lipstick. Quite right.


Aubrey revealed that AEW's social media team get "at least one email a week" about her, and they're usually complaints about how she distracts some from the action. This negative feedback hasn't stopped Edwards from using social media, but it has made her realise that filtering out most of the criticism is probably for the best.

No good can come from obsessing over the comments sections on YouTube or trolls on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.


Instead of doing that, Edwards wants to remain a "very light-hearted, bubbly person" and just enjoy her role in All Elite.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.