AEW Wrestlers Stripped Of Championships

These AEW wrestlers no-showing Noche de Campeones resulted in them being stripped of the titles.

Sammy Guevara Tay Conti

Tay Melo and Sammy Guevara have been stripped of their AAA World Mixed Tag Team Championships.

With Melo and Guevara originally set to appear on last night's AAA Noche de Campeones show, defending their straps against the teams of Octagón Jr. & Lady Shani and Komander & Sexy Star II, the duo no-showing the event soon led to a forced change of plan.

The AEW couple were double-booked on the night, with Melo teaming with Anna Jay in a match against Willow Nightingale and Ruby Soho on Wednesday's Dynamite: New Year's Smash episode that was only announced after AAA had made the duo's other bout official.


Konnan would appear before the match to confirm that Melo and Guevara would not be defending the titles that night and were being stripped of the belts due to multiple cancellations and a number of excessive demands by the couple, including wanting their own referee and a personal stylist.

Abismo Negro Jr. and Flammer took the AEW pair's place in the bout and ultimately went on to win the vacant straps, with Konnan also noting how he had "sent someone" to the United States to retrieve the titles that weren't present on the night.


What a bizarre end to Melo and Guevara's 243-day reign, eh?

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...