AEW's Cody Rhodes Reveals Unique Wrestling Mount Rushmore

Can you guess who's on the list?

Ric Flair Hulk Hogan The Rock

AEW's own Cody Rhodes is currently fighting to own that name. That's not all he's doing - Cody spoke with Bleacher Report this week and revealed exactly who would be on his own personal pro wrestling Mount Rushmore.

Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan and The Rock instantly came to mind.

The fourth? That's a slot Cody says he's keeping open for a future legend in the biz. Rhodes told BR that they should keep a "vacant silhouette" ready because "wrestling needs to make new stars". Amen to that, sir.


It's interesting that Cody chose not to put his father Dusty Rhodes onto his wrestling Mount Rushmore too. Maybe he feels like that'd be too easy, or perhaps he just thinks Flair, Hogan and Rock are more deserving of slots.

When wrestlers are asked who would be on their list, they normally sway between a handful of names and end up adding others. Cody didn't. He named three, then said that the industry should focus on making sure that future players belong on everyone's Mount Rushmore in coming years.


Who would you put on your own Rushmore?

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Cody Rhodes
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.