ALL IN 2018: Every Match Ranked From Worst To Best

9. Christopher Daniels Vs. Stephen Amell

All In Christopher Danield Stephen Amell

Result: Daniels kills Amell with the Best Moonsault Ever (12:30).

Rating: It's easy to be cynical about an actor trying his hand at wrestling, but to Amell's credit, he clearly put in the leg-work and gave a performance worthy of a "legitimate" in-ring talent.

It was a smart idea to pair him with a veteran of Daniels' stature, and though the match had its undeniably rough moments - especially a few slow-paced sequences that needed to go - the spots were fun, and Jerry Lynn's interference was great. Seriously, how does this guy still look so good in 2018?

Amell didn't just mail in a tepid performance; the Van Terminator looked fantastic and seeming even half-way credible against Daniels is no mean feat. 6/10


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.