Andre The Giant HBO Documentary: 14 Things We Learned

8. Andre's Farts Were Legendary

Andre The Giant HBO Vince McMahon

Andre was also a big fan of fart jokes, it seems. Vince McMahon himself even chimed in unexpectedly, stating, "Andre so enjoyed flatulence. When he passed gas, it was an event."

Mean Gene said, "flatulence was his trademark, and he had a real knack for lifting his left leg", while Tim White added, "you've never heard anything like it."

Cue the doc's most brilliantly surreal moment: Vince and Hulk Hogan both doing impressions of Andre's deep-roar fart.

Hogan then also explained that Andre liked to trap people in elevators with his farts, and if he let off an especially vile stinker on a flight, the pilots would be loudly cursing his name.

Gene put it best, though: "big man, big fart."


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.