Another 10 Crazy Lies Told By Hulk Hogan That No One Believes

6. Box Office Success

Hulk Hogan America
Cabin Fever Entertainment

We've already discussed Hulk's potential impact on the film industry with The Wrestler, but let's return to the subject for a second.

The Hulkster's impressive film resume includes the heartwarming evil-billionaire-gets-amnesia-and-thinks-he's-Santa film Santa With Muscles and the fish-out-of-water comedy excellence of Mr. Nanny. Although they are both abysmal cinematic turds, Hogan remembers them as huge successes at the box office.

Not only that, but he played an even bigger role in their success than you might expect. You see, Hogan claims he rewrote both scripts entirely, only to have his writing credits stolen from him by the dastardly Writers' Guild.

It makes you wonder if we also have Hogan to thank for the Shakespearean-level prose in the dookie scene of No Holds Barred.

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Hulk Hogan
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