Another 10 Crazy Lies Told By Hulk Hogan That No One Believes
4. Hogan Vs. Andre
The litany of lies Hogan has told about his famous match with Andre the Giant at WrestleMania III could fill a list all on their own.
We've previously covered the lies that he was the first to slam Andre, that Andre weighed 600 pounds when Hogan bodyslammed him, and the lie that Andre died a few days after the slam.
But Hogan also claimed that he tore 18 muscles in his back slamming Andre to the mat! Unless it was every muscle in his back (which would be 70-something muscles), as he later claimed. Or maybe every muscle in his back, plus his biceps, quadriceps, and lats, as he claimed on another occasion.
Thankfully, Hogan being the trooper and professional that he was, he never missed a day of work, even with those horrific injuries.