Another 10 Crazy Lies Told By Hulk Hogan That No One Believes

2. The Undertaker's Botched Tombstone

Hulk Hogan America

Most of Hogan's lies are funny, if a little bit sad once you think about them. But this one is immensely screwed up.

Hogan famously lost the World Championship to The Undertaker at the Survivor Series after a tombstone onto a steel chair.

But backstage, Hogan told 'Taker that he had caused permanent damage to his neck by botching that tombstone spot. And 'Taker believed him for the better part of two years, before finally seeing a tape of the match, which clearly showed Hogan's head came nowhere near the chair.

This is a story that could have seriously damaged both The Undertaker's career and his professional reputation. And why? What purpose did this lie serve? Was it just to hurt an up-and-comer?

Forget how cute and stupid Hogan's lies usually are; this one is infuriating and downright malicious.

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Hulk Hogan
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