ANOTHER Tag Team Splits Up On WWE Raw
WWE Raw's rapidly crumbling tag division lost another team last night.

Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin split up on last night's WWE Raw, with the former cutting a scathing promo on his veteran tag team partner after their latest loss.
Alexander and Benjamin were defeated by Lince Dorado and Gran Metalik. Shelton took the pinfall, eating Metalik's rope-walking elbow drop for the loss - and that's when Cedric decided that he'd had enough.
Calling Benjamin the Hurt Business' weakest link during their time in that stable, Alexander blasted his now-former partner for blowing countless opportunities throughout his career, said he wouldn't give Shelton any more of his time, and announced the tag team was done.
Kayla Braxton caught up with Benjamin later in the evening. The veteran asserted that he was far from finished in WWE, warning Cedric that he might fizzle out.
Both promos left enough on the table for a potential feud between the duo.
The 29 March 2021 episode of Raw saw Benjamin and Alexander booted out of The Hurt Business after losing a handicap match to Drew McIntyre. They had gone 0-4 since then, falling to Randy Orton and Riddle, The Viking Raiders twice, and now The Lucha House Party.