Ballers: 10 Most Shocking Moments From The Rock's TV Show Premiere

8. SO Much Sex

Action isn't the only graphic element of Ballers - not by a long shot. The first episode features two graphic sex scenes, one between cocky pro Ricky Jerret and an unnamed woman in a nightclub (heavily implied to be a gold digger), and one between sports agent Jason and an LPGA golf pro. If there's one major criticism Ballers is sure to encounter in the coming weeks, it could well revolve around its weak representation of female characters. Most women in the first episode acted as little more than eye candy, while the unnamed mistress in the car crash is portrayed as directly responsible for the incident due to a sudden burst of anger. Ballers unrepentantly depicts a man's world, one which will surely come under fire for its outdated portrayal of women.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.