Ballers: 10 Most Shocking Moments From The Rock's TV Show Premiere

3. Despite The Ultra-Serious Trailer, There's Actual Comedy

Although billed as a comedy-drama, Ballers' trailer seemed to depict it as a far darker show than such a label suggests. Thankfully the premiere episode proved that the show doesn't take itself too seriously, blending plenty of humorous moments and one-liners in with all the dark behaviour of its characters. A prime source of laughs is the affable Charles, who seems to be the most likeable character so far, actually getting off his backside and finding a real job to combat his post-retirement rut. Ricky also provides moments of comic relief through his wildly irresponsible, self-centred ways. He promises to do anything to rebuild his career after the nightclub incident, before reacting with horror to the notion of playing on the Dolphins' special teams squad - (a role generally seen as inferior or bothersome by many players).
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.