Ballers: 7 Things You Need To Know About The Rock's HBO Series

7. Dwayne Johnson Plays An Ex-Athlete Turned 'Financial Advisor'

The name of Rocky's character has been revealed as Spencer Strasmore, an ex-pro American footballer turned 'financial advisor' to young athletes - a job which will surely prove to be as slippery and pragmatic as its title implies. Johnson doesn't appear to have strayed too far from his comfort zone in portraying Strasmore, a physically imposing figure capable of smooth charm as well as no-nonsense intimidation. There's a chance, however, that audiences could see a more vulnerable side to Johnson; one particularly memorable clip from the trailer shows Strasmore grimacing in pain as he gets out of bed, perhaps showing the lingering physical damage of his old career. All in all, Johnson's character seems to be set up as a good guy - albeit one centred around money. However, with almost every critically acclaimed TV series in recent memory keen on skewing their characters' moral compasses, this could all change within a few episodes.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.