Ballers: 7 Things You Need To Know About The Rock's HBO Series

1. It's Going To Be An Absolute Car Crash The general mood surrounding Ballers is one of underwhelmed negativity. Critics with access to the first few episodes have largely remained unimpressed, suggesting that - for all its bombastic flair and undeniable visual appeal - the series fails to provide the substance necessary to justify its ambition. Of course such reports aren't conclusive, and there's every chance Ballers could reveal itself to be a compelling slice of TV drama towards the end of its seven scheduled episodes. Despite this, it's difficult not to fear for Dwayne Johnson and company. Although he has proven himself capable of slotting comfortably into an action-packed Hollywood blockbuster, carrying an episodic comedy-drama in such a competitive climate could be a step too far - even for The Rock.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.