Big Show's Tag Team Partners Ranked - From Worst To Best
3. The Undertaker
They were known as 'The Unholy Alliance', and a more apt tag team name there has not been. The team was born out of the reveal of Vince McMahon as the higher power of the Corporate Ministry, and as that stable began to fade into the background Undertaker and Big Show (along with Mideon and Viscera) went off to form their own new faction.
Taker and Show won two tag titles during this time, and in were position to dominate the tag team division until tragedy struck in the shape of an injury to the Deadman. How do you injure a Deaman? I don't know. Regardless, 'Taker tore his groin and that was that for the dastardly duo.
This did all lead to the humanising of the Deadman somewhat, as he began ordering Big Show around forcing him to do his deeds. This high placing is more of a 'what could have been' than anything else.