Booking WWE vs TNA PPV

Match 3 - Matt Morgan Vs The Big Show We already know these two have chemistry but since Matt Morgan and Big Show were last in the ring together both men have really matured and come into their own as athletes. You could pair Show up with someone like Abyss but the match would be way too sloppy. Instead give a guy like Morgan the chance to remind WWE what they're missing and you'd have a much better match on your hands. The great thing about both of these guys is they can both play the face or heel role with great ease so it wouldn't be hard for either man to get heat when required or to get the fans on side for their big comeback. Matt Morgan could have great matches against other guys in WWE but we feel he's the best fit for Big Show and of course the kind of guy you really would select if you needed someone to fight a 7 foot four inches, 500 pound monster like Paul Wight.

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Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.