Bret Hart's 10 Best Matches Ever
8. Vs. Shawn Michaels (WrestleMania 12)
About as polarizing as "The Shape of Water" winning Best Picture at the Oscars. Some have found the match tedious and dull. Others will praise the gradual drama and tension that two pantheon-level workers managed to assemble, meeting the challenge of an hour's duration head-on. Even then, some who've acclaimed the match iterate that while they appreciate the work, they never wish to watch it again.
It's true that Hart and Michaels, even with the array of paints on their palettes, did all they could to cover the entirety of the biggest canvas they'd ever been presented. Hart, despite lamenting that he and Michaels had resorted to stiffing each other with unpulled shots, called the match a "masterpiece", taking pride in what they'd accomplished together.
Hart recalled sitting with Michaels for over three hours piecing the match together, until both were able to see the full picture in their minds. Even if you find the match boring, you have to at least appreciate what the two were able to accomplish. Against the odds, they delivered mightily in the face of a difficult test.