Camp WWE: 17 WTF Moments From Episode 2

14. The Rock Loses An Eyebrow

ric flair wtf

After The Rock's ridiculously over-the-top entrance at the beginning of the episode, someone in Camp WWE clearly took offense to his behaviour, and sneaked into his room at night to shave off one of his eyebrows.

That's right, one of The Rock's defining characteristics is taken away from him, much to the disgust of Vince, while the other wrestlers recoil. Nikki Bella calls him "so ugly", and the Big Show adds, "The Rock with no eyebrow? That's like Superman without his hat".

As for Stone Cold? He's not quite so upset, adding, "Greatest day of my f***ing life." And so, the investigation begins into who stole Rocky's prized possession.

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Ric Flair
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