Chris Jericho Congratulates WWE's Triple H On 25 Years

AEW's finest wanted in on those SmackDown celebrations.

Triple H Chris Jericho Last Man Standing

AEW's own Chris Jericho has congratulated WWE's Triple H on reaching the 25 year landmark.

Jericho posted a sincere video on his Twitter account and said that the "amazing chemistry" he has with Hunter is something that will never change despite the strange circumstances this ongoing global health scare has imposted on the wrestling business.

Continuing, Jericho added that every match they had together was "great", said deceased Mötorhead frontman Lemmy would be "very proud of you" and closed by saying, "Here's to another 25 years of dominating the wrestling world as only 'The Game' can do".


It was the classiest of classy statements from the Inner Circle leader, never once came across as forced and was a complete departure from the light rib-fest WWE set up for Trips on SmackDown.

Jericho and Triple H had several stunning matches together during their careers. They worked crackers on Raw, at Fully Loaded 2000, and at Judgment Day 2002. Their WrestleMania X-8 main event didn't quite go off without a hitch, but they were in a sh*tty spot there due to the red hot Hulk Hogan vs. The Rock showdown that preceded them.


What a show of respect from Jericho this was.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.