Christian's TNA Slammiversary Appearance: 5 Possible Outcomes

4. Christian Inducted into TNA's Hall Of Fame

Christian is a former two time TNA Champion and it seems like the type of stunt TNA would pull, neglecting their own talent for a WWE superstar. Omitting true TNA heritage whom are worthy of such a prestige. I'm not stating that Christian techinically isn't worthy, only there are a line of people who deserve it more, many of whom that are on the current roster. Plausibility - Plausible by TNA standards

'Rasslin fan at heart, speaking of hearts is your on your left? Yeah mines on my right... weird huh. Big love for films, from the weird to the wonderful. Also many, many TV series and my main Sports viewing is Formula One... It's Fast, its Furious and no pizza boys to move along.