CM Punk: 10 Things He Could Still Achieve In WWE

10. Going On Last At WrestleMania

CM Punk's repeatedly stated ambition was to go on last at a WrestleMania. It's the distinction that really stands you out as a pro wrestler, it shows that you were a big enough name to close the grandest WWE show of the year. Even in a losing effort, going on last at Mania is considered a huge honour, you get to elevate a new star and perform in the most talked about match of the night. The ultimate role in a closing Mania match is as the babyface winner, a role Daniel Bryan achieved this year at WrestleMania 30. Punk is bitter that he never achieved the same. He feels his act was good enough to close Mania, be it as a heel or a face. He's right of course, he absolutely is good enough, which is why he should come back to WWE and fight for the chance to achieve his dream. By coming back as a mega face he could be the man to headline Mania 31 against a brutal heel. Contrastingly if Punk himself came back as the bad guy, he could go on last next year with Daniel Bryan as his opponent. Given his skill, Punk is always going to be in with a shout for a Mania last match berth. The issue over the Mania main event is deeply personal to Punk. It isn't the fact it pays as the best spot on the card, it's the fact it recognises the best talent. This is why Punk nearly quit WWE in 2011 when The Miz unbelievably got to beat John Cena in the main event of WrestleMania 27. He perhaps walked away this year over the same issue, he was reportedly unhappy about having to face Triple H in the mid card of Mania 30.
WWE Writer

Grahame Herbert hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.