CM Punk Reveals His Favourite Wrestling 'World Title' Designs Ever
Which 'World Title' designs does ex-WWE star CM Punk think are the best ever?

CM Punk named his favourite pro wrestling 'World Title' belt designs during a brand new Q&A session on his official Twitter page.
There was no room for the classic 'Winged Eagle' WWF Title, the 'Big Gold' WCW version or even the sumptuous Intercontinental gold from the early-90s. Instead, Punk would plump for either the UWF Championship or the now-retired ROH World Title as his absolute favourites.
A quick glance at the pic above reveals how similar those titles were - Ring Of Honor clearly took inspiration from Bill Watts' old Universal Wrestling Federation. That company was a rebranding attempt by Watts. He changed his Mid-South territory in 1986 and launched an audacious bid to compete with Vince McMahon.
It ultimately failed, but Punk still loves the classic 'World Title' design Watts introduced, and he can't get enough of the original ROH belt either.
ROH later changed their belt design; they introduced the current one in December 2017 and never looked back. To Punk, that's a crying shame, because simplicity is everything when it comes to a credible championship.
Someone needs to ask Punk what he thinks of WWE's current colour-coded belts for a laugh.