Cody Rhodes Joining Bullet Club

Former Intercontinental Champion will be the group's newest member.

cody rhodes roh

Despite Kenny Omega's teases that the new member of Bullet Club would be Ryback, PWInsider is reporting that next recruit to the renegade New Japan faction will be none other than Cody Rhodes.

Rhodes's heel turn at Ring of Honor's Final Battle show was executed to set up his Bullet Club debut, which will take place at NJPW's World Tag League Finals on December 10.

Rhodes left WWE very publicly this past spring, noting on Twitter that he had requested his release and receiving it the following day. Soon afterwards, he tweeted a list of goals that he had for himself on the independent and international scenes, including many dream opponents. He's already accomplished several of these objectives (including competing in PWG's Battle of Los Angeles tournament, and wrestling Kurt Angle, Pat Buck, and Mike Bennett). Joining New Japan will put him a step closer to crossing former NEVER Openweight Champion Katsuyori Shibata off the list.


Bullet Club, meanwhile, continues to expand after AJ Styles, Karl Anderson, and Doc Gallows left early in the year. Since that time, they've added Tanga Roa, Adam Cole, Adam Page, and Bone Soldier to their roster.


Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013