Crossface: 13 Actors Who Must Be Cast In Chris Benoit's Biopic

11. Ben Foster As CM Punk

Punk's role in Benoit's story is unlikely to be particularly long, given that the future champ was still in his formative years with WWE when Benoit died, but the pair's paths would have crossed on that fateful last night.

With Benoit set to face Punk at Vengeance: Night of Champions before his no-show there's an opportunity for the film-makers to have the climactic tragedy play out in parallel to the replacement event between Punk and Johnny Nitro. That's probably how it SHOULD be done, anyway.

Foster's appeal for the role lies not only in his similar looks: he's also an incredibly intense actor who skirts the boundary between charismatic and ego-driven (indeed that darkness has made him a great villain at times), which is precisely where Punk operated best.

And of course, the film-makers would be silly not to try and trade on the Punk brand.


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