Damien Sandow was once considered a future main event prospect in the WWE. However, the days of Sandow being involved in relevant feuds and being a sureshot for a future WWE World Heavyweight Championship reign seem to be far behind him. No longer the Intellectual Savior of the Masses, Sandow has lately spent his time on WWE television in a comedy role. Despite being dealt a bad hand, the former Money in the Bank holder has continued to entertain the masses of the WWE Universe, albeit in a different way. He has spent the past few months impersonating various historical and famous figures, much to the chagrin of fans. While the schtick has provided some mild entertainment and funny moments, its baffling as to why Sandow has been stuck with such a useless role -- essentially inheriting the comedy spot from the now-retired Santino Marella. Still, Sandow continues to try to make the best of a bad situation. He recently appeared as the Mizs stunt double, Damien Mizdow, in what proved to be a fun twist on his tiring impersonator gimmick. It seems that Sandow may be transitioning out of this role through the Mizdow gimmick and storyline, but where he will end up remains to be seen. Adding to his recent change, the arrogant superstar again appeared on the WWE App in his now signature segment, Sandow 60. On this weeks edition, Damien attempted to explain the world of the WWE by using a deck of cards. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAUqrv_wq4c He stated that the promotion features Kings, Queens, Jacks, and Jokers. He elaborated by saying the Joker is pictured as the Jester, who as we know, is meant to entertain everyone The Jester is around the middle of the card. He continued on, stating that most people believe the Jester to be permanently on the midcard, some of us have an Ace up our sleeve. Following the WWE App video, and Sandows allegorical statements, the superstar sent out some further cryptic tweets. Sandow stated, Mark my words, I meant what I said. Patience is a virtue. You will never see it coming. Its unclear at this time what exactly Damien Sandow is on about, but its obvious that something is in the works. There may be plans in place for Sandow to transition out of his comedy midcard role but nothing is confirmed at this time. This also may be a case of Sandow simply trying to get something going on his own -- much like Zack Ryders attempt at getting over via his own YouTube show some years back. Will Damien Sandow move on to bigger and better things, or has he been permanently saddled with a lackluster comedy gimmick? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
Douglas Scarpa is a freelance writer, independent filmmaker, art school graduate, and pro wrestling aficionado -- all of which mean he is in financial ruin. He has no backup plan to speak of, yet maintains his abnormally high spirits. If he had only listened to the scorn of his childhood teachers, he wouldn't be in this situation.