Every Match From NXT TakeOver Brooklyn II - From Worst To Best

Nakamura climbs the mountain, but was it the match of the night?

shinsuke nakamura samoa joe

NXT is back in Brooklyn, and once again they uniformly showed up a flagship WWE PPV with a show considerably more streamlined than SummerSlam that delivered far and away the best wrestling of a jam-packed weekend.

Serving up at least one Match of the Year candidate alongside a rock solid undercard (with just one exception), Brooklyn II is yet another feather in the NXT cap and says a lot about the outfit's ability to stand up to its 'bigger brother'.

While there arguably wasn't a ton here in terms of surprises, SummerSlam itself proved just how easily the unexpected can turn into bad booking, and how technically-sound wrestling will trump shocks almost every single time.

There's perhaps no better time to be getting into NXT, what with so much promise established for the future. Here is every NXT TakeOver Brooklyn II match ranked from worst to best...

6. Billie Kay Vs. Ember Moon

shinsuke nakamura samoa joe

Result: Ember absolutely kills Billie with a Twisting Top-Rope Stunner (4:35).

Rating: This one was too short to make much of a dent at all, and it didn't help that almost 25% of the match was a single submission move. Still, it was a strong debut for Ember Moon, who has a great look, is extremely athletic and possesses an incredible finisher.

It's just a shame this one was a pure squash for the most part, with just enough offense from Kay that she didn't look totally useless, because there could've been something more substantial here. On a six-match card, however, stuff like this really shouldn't fly and could've easily been saved for TV.



Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.