Every Match From NXT TakeOver Brooklyn II - From Worst To Best

4. Bobby Roode Vs. Andrade Almas

shinsuke nakamura samoa joe

Result: Roode scores the pin after nailing the Glorious Bomb (10:22).

Rating: 10/10 for Bobby Roode's absolutely killer entrance and the crowd chanting "This is glorious!" any opportunity they got, while the actual match itself also happened to be slick and lightning-fast.

Basically, as this lacked the psychology and emotion of the better matches on the card, it had more room to be the most purely fun match of the show.

These two worked really well together and Almas thankfully didn't get squashed: he held his own perfectly against Roode even if the end was never in doubt.

The finish definitely deserved to be a lot stronger, though, because the Glorious Bomb is incredibly weak for someone in Roode's position, and for the love of God, can someone give Almas new attire already?



Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.