Every Match From NXT TakeOver Brooklyn II - From Worst To Best

2. NXT Women's Title: Asuka (c) Vs. Bayley

shinsuke nakamura samoa joe

Result: Asuka kicks Bayley in the face to retain the title (14:07).

Rating: Booking here was first rate throughout. Asuka looked every bit the monster we all know she is, but Bayley held her own even while losing (which was undeniably the right call).

The match honestly could've been a touch longer, but it still felt like a mild improvement over their strong work at Dallas.

The final sequence here was absolute dynamite, and really solidifies the fact that it's going to take something special to get the belt away from Asuka.

Making her something akin to a "female Brock Lesnar" is a terrifically successful move so far, that's for sure, and Bayley suffered nothing from eating a loss here.



Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.