EVERY Wrestling Move Banned By WWE (And Why)

1. Anaconda Vice

CM Punk Anaconda Vice

At one time, CM Punk used the Anaconda Vice submission hold as his finisher in WWE. It was far safer than his high spot finisher in Ring Of Honor, an impressive top rope Pedigree he called the Pepsi Plunge. The Anaconda Vice was also much safer than his GTS finisher. However, the realistic-looking submission maneuver disappeared from WWE television.

The Anaconda Vice’s disappearance wasn't without controversy. Some reports speculated that for some reason it was banned. WWE may have banned it because it is a chokehold and did not want a top superstar like Punk using a choke as a finisher. There were also rumors that WWE didn’t feel the Anaconda Vice was getting a good enough fan response.

However, Punk spoke about it during a ComicCon interview in 2012. He said WWE simply asked him to stop using it in favor of the GTS. Either way, it sounds like WWE didn't care much for the Anaconda Vice.

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I'm a pro wrestling content contributor for WhatCulture. I've been a fan since the early 1980s and have been writing about it for about ten years. I like taking a historical approach to pro wrestling and have a keen interest in the 1980s.