Every WWE Champion Of The 2000s Ranked From Worst To Best

5. Triple H

Brock Lesnar 2002

Nowadays, if you ask people about Triple H as a world champion, their mind likely goes to the "Reign of Terror," wherein the Game utterly monopolized the big gold belt on RAW from 2002 to 2005. However, in the Attitude Era and the years following the aforementioned 'reign', Hunter was a very effective WWE Champion in the 2000s.

First winning the title in 1999, Triple H would establish himself as a dominant main-eventer against Mick Foley in early 2000, getting decisive wins over him in brutal matches at Royal Rumble and No Way Out that are lauded to this day as hardcore classics. The King of Kings was WWE Champion going into WrestleMania 2000, where he would become the first heel champion to retain his title in the main event of the Show of Shows. From there, his feud with The Rock cemented both's legacies as more than capable leading men in a company that lacked Steve Austin.

After winning the Undisputed Championship in the main event of 'Mania X8, Triple H would have additional runs with the title in 2008 and 2009 (and once in the middle of No Mercy 2007, which is a long story). In this late-2000s run, he was oddly the top face on SmackDown (I guess after One Night Stand 2005, he wanted to prove to Paul Heyman he would work Tuesdays.

While some of these reigns are more forgettable than others, Triple H's runs with the WWE Championship made him a suitable top guy during the decade.

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Brock Lesnar
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