Every WWE Raw Intro Ranked – From Worst To Best
11. 2012
Another similar rendition to that of the previous entry
here, once again set to the dulcet tones of Nickelback. Here though, the key difference lay in the fact that this was the “Raw
Supershow” intro.
This meant that the company were keen to cram in all of the talent who had previously made SmackDown such a great show and were now hopefully going to have the same effect on Raw, such as Randy Orton, Christian, Mark Henry and Sin Cara.
Okay, perhaps less so for the last name on that list, but
you get the point.
We also saw a return of the Undertaker, who featured far more prominently than he had for many years, as well as the once-again-masked Kane in the closing moments. That mixture of nostalgia with present day stars made for a nice balance and what is probably the best of the show’s Nickelback-based intros.