Every WWE Raw Intro Ranked – From Worst To Best

9. 2003 & 2004

Next up we have the first in what will prove to be a batch of intros that featured the awesome track “Across the Nation” by Union Undergound. The piercing vocals followed by those pounding guitars was the perfect way to get fans hyped for the upcoming show.

The accompanying video featured a mixture of car crashes, ladder and table spots, as well as the band actually performing the song itself. And if that wasn’t enough to get you going, they were performing in some strange, dingy underground bunker, in which a cast of scantily-clad females were either gyrating to the music or making out with each other.

Or a bit of both in some cases.

This was as in-your-face as any Raw intro, and the decision to splice in some footage of the band thrashing it out was a nice addition in my eyes.

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