EXCLUSIVE Eric Bischoff Interview: SuperShow Live, WWE Vs. AEW, Social Media, More

What does your schedule look like for WrestleMania weekend beyond SuperShow Live?

Bischoff: My schedule's pretty full WrestleMania weekend. I'll be quite a few things with WWE, not WrestleMania not adjacent to WrestleMania. It'll be for Peacock and A&E Television, so I'll be lucky to see daylight after my plane lands. I'm surprised how busy I'll be for that four days. I don't foresee myself traveling much outside of the events I'll be participating in.

You seem to be busier nowadays than you have been in years except without the love for travel. Did that ultimately play a role in why your most recent stint with WWE as a creative director of SmackDown didn't pan out?

Bischoff: Even when I went back to WWE in 2019, not traveling was important to me. I've always found a way to adapt, but when I went back, I lived in Wyoming, I thought it was no big deal to move to Stamford. I thought I could adapt and I really believed it, until a week a two after I got there and realized I couldn't adapt. I tried really hard, but I wasn't successful at it. I realized at this stage of my life, I'm not as adaptable as I used to be. I choose not to be because we have only so much time on this life and I plan on spending the next 20 to 30 years doing what I love to do and not what I have to do.

Anything on the WrestleMania card this weekend you're especially excited for?

Bischoff: I get that question in some way, shape or form every year and the answer is always the same. Believe it or not, the thing that I enjoy most about WrestleMania weekend is the Hall of Fame. It's special because the emotion that you see there is real. In a world that's strictly a scripted environment, it's the one time of year you see amazing people who did amazing things, and this year it's The Undertaker, you get to experience that real emotion and what matters to these Superstars. I always dig the Hall of Fame, I really do.

But we're going to have more fun [at SuperShow Live]. We'll be at Gilley's in Texas! This has been a bucket list item for me since Urban Cowboy came out. Gilley's is famous, so to be able to participate in an event like this with Jeff Hardy and William Regal and Conrad Thompson and Jeff Jarrett, it's going to be fun.

Limited tickets for SuperShow Live at Gilley's Dallas on Friday night at 7pm CT still remain.


Since 2008, Graham has been a diehard pro wrestling fan and, in 2010, he combined his passions for WWE and writing when he joined Bleacher Report. Equipped with a master's in journalism, Graham has contributed to WhatCulture, FanSided's Daily DDT, Sports Betting Dime, and GateHouse Media. Along the way, he has conducted interviews with wrestling superstars like Chris Jericho, Edge, Goldberg, Christian, Diamond Dallas Page, Jim Ross, Adam Cole, Tessa Blanchard, Ryback, and Nick Aldis among others.