Exploring The Success Rate Of 7 WCW Ideas In WWE

6. The Cruiserweight Division

Cruiserweight Classic

Remember during the Attitude Era when the then-WWF revealed they'd be bringing 'Light-Heavyweight' action to programming? That was an answer to the WCW Cruiserweight division, then one of the hottest things going in North American wrestling. Stars like Rey Mysterio Jr, Dean Malenko, and Ultimo Dragon were wowing crowds, and the WWF wanted in on it.

Once Vince McMahon purchased the remnants of WCW, he decided to abandon the Light-Heavyweight Title and debut his own Cruiserweight league. WWE have flirted with the importance of smaller wrestlers ever since, but this usually boils down to a few months of heavy hype before the creative team ultimately lose interest.

Just look at the Cruiserweight Classic and 205 Live shows. The former treated Cruiser matches and wrestlers seriously, presenting them as different to anything else you'd see in WWE. Now, 205 Live is devoid of the unique feel. Most of the wrestlers work the same style as the heavyweights, only with a few flips thrown in, and the show comes across like Velocity 2017.

Success: Not much to write home about aside from a few short flourishes. 205 Live is already stale only a year in.

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